All I had to do was log back into our Big Fish Games account and download the Big Fish Games Manager. I mentioned above that we had ours uninstalled. The great thing is there is no danger of losing your game should you get a new computer. You can get 70% off a game with your first purchase.

We purchased a second game for my daughter for only $2.99. I have also found that they have quite a lot of sales going on all the time. With the free one hour trial you can try out any of the games before you purchase. There is also a bonus level once you get to level 30, which I suspect is my son’s ultimate goal.įishdom 3 is just one of the fun games at Big Fish Games. All of these features can be found on the bottom row of icons seen in the photo above. You can also see your achievements at any point in time by hovering over the achievements button. In addition to the games and tanks you also will need to feed your fish so they continue to live. This is great, because after a while your tank will get full and in order to make the game interesting you need more places to store your store bought decorations. As you collect more money and clear levels you can also purchase additional aquariums. The games get progressively more challenging as you level up. These are small games within the game where you match 3 items and the three items disappear dropping additional items until you have cleared the board. However in order to purchase these items from the store you must first earn money. The object is to purchase a fish tank, fish, decorations, backgrounds, etc from the store to create a beautiful aquarium. Thankfully once I re-installed the game all his achievements were still there. We had a little scare this past weekend when I had Geek Squad doing a little cleaning, uninstalled Big Fish Games and Fishdom 3. As of the writing of this blog post my son (who plays it the most) is currently on level 25. I let her and her brothers play the game for a while to see if it would be a one time download and forget or a game that they would continue to play. When Honey found out she could create here own virtual fish tank she decided this was the game for her. So I gave Honey a few choices and then we downloaded Fishdom 3. This is awesome, because who wants to purchase a game and then find out they really have no interest in it. You can download any game (more then one) and try it out for one hour. However before she chose a game I took advantage of the free trial. I decided to let my daughter chose the game. When I was asked to review a Big Fish Games game. When I finally beat the level it is going to be extremely satisfying. I have both of these downloaded on my computer. Those games would be Bejewled 3 and Zuma’s Revenge. In fact, two of my favorite games can be found at Big Fish Games.

I have always been a fan of Big Fish Games.